"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Overall Ranking for Bobby Allan Easter Pairs Tuesday session 004468-20240319

Pair Names % score Match Points
141 John Bielski & Betty Bielska
from Dunfermline in Scotland
41.19 1690.31
142 Alan Young & Betsy Stirling
from Montrose Bridge Club in Scotland
40.72 1671.10
143 Maureen Dorans & Rita King
from Doon in Scotland
40.61 1666.80
144 Alan Dawes & Neil Lovie
from The Bridge Club in Scotland
40.55 1664.10
145 Struthers Brown & Jim Notman
from Dunfermline in Scotland
40.54 1663.88
146 Gordon Wowk & Fay Ronaldson
from St. Andrews in Scotland
40.30 1653.80
147 Malcolm Reed & Ken Forrest
from Berwick in Scotland
40.20 1649.70
148 Eric Begbie & Pat Begbie
from Stirling and Union Bridge Club in Scotland
40.18 1649.06
149 Margaret Innes & Margaret Steele
from Dunfermline in Scotland
39.92 1638.34
150 Chris Vennall & Wallace Leadbitter
from Biggar in Scotland
39.30 1612.80
151 Christine McCreath & Ian McCreath
from Berwick in Scotland
39.00 1600.49
152 Ron Gill & Fiona Gill
from Montrose Bridge Club in Scotland
38.54 1581.53
153 Sally Kerr & John Gorton
from St. Andrew in Scotland
38.39 1575.40
154 Tony Bainbridge & Terry Lynch
from Prestwick in Scotland
36.98 1517.53
155 Stephen Carr & Pam Hogan
from The Bridge Club in Scotland
34.94 1434.00
156 Kathy McCabe & Janet
from Stirling and Union Bridge Club in Scotland
34.80 1428.17
157 John Mungall & David Boyack
from Stirling and Union Bridge Club in Scotland
33.35 1368.51
158 Marion Rae & Liz Maxwell
from Doon in Scotland
31.26 1283.06
159 Jane Davey & Guy Richardson
from Berwick in Scotland
30.35 1245.44
160 Julie MacKie & Judith Pettigrew
from Prestwick in Scotland
26.94 1105.71