"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Overall Ranking for NIBU Interclub Duplicate Pairs 3B session 004623-20240110

Pair Names % score Match Points
101 Sam Lytle & Janice Lytle
from Banbridge Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
38.45 922.80
102 Collette Moorehead & Mary Sherrard
from Northern Ireland Bridge Union in Northern Ireland
38.15 915.50
103 Elspeth Cummings & Toni Bradley
from Derryvolgie Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
37.60 902.40
104 Dympna Curran & Philsie Mulholland
from Northern Ireland Bridge Union in Northern Ireland
37.53 900.60
105 Liz McArdle & Patricia Blacker
from Derryvolgie Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
33.51 804.23