"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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About Donations to our Charity Fundraising Events

As most clubs will be aware from my emails, we have been obliged to change the way we handle donations and administration for our Charity Fundraising Simultaneous Pairs. This has come about because of changes in banking procedures. So in the hope of simplifying it all, and also keeping it transparant so you can all see what is happening, we are going down the "Just Giving" route.

For each event now we will set up a JustGiving page to the relevant Charity or Charities that we are fund raising for and provide the link here (see below). For the Charity Challenge and the Summer Charity Pairs there will be a choice of two charities and you can donate to one or the other, or half to each. For other events there will just be a single Charity (Children in Need for example). We suggest that £3 per person would be a reasonable donation for the Charity.

However, we do have to charge an admin fee, and this will be 90p per player inclusive of VAT and an invoice will be sent to each participating club at the end of the event.

This is separate from any donations made to the Charity by either the clubs or the individuals taking part.

Click here to understand the admin fee better.

Click here for important things to note before making your donation


The BBC Children in Need pages are here:

For Chidren in Need, click here Total so far : £ 130


The Summer Charity Pairs JustGiving pages are here:

For Kidney Research UK, click here Total so far : £ 3565

For British Heart Foundation, click here Total so far : £ 3719