"Promoting Real Bridge in a Virtual World" - Developed by Mark and Anna Newton (married 20th March 2024)

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Overall Ranking for NIBU Interclub Duplicate Pairs 4A session 005179-20240226

Pair Names % score Match Points
21 Maria Doyle & Rosemary Cunningham
from Newcastle Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
56.43 1467.19
22 Ron Coulter & Brian Clarke
from Port-A-Bann in Northern Ireland
56.18 1460.73
23 Sam Barr & Christine Byrne
from Port-A-Bann in Northern Ireland
56.18 1460.63
24 Peter Currie & David Clement
from Windsor LT in Northern Ireland
56.13 1459.44
25 John Taylor & Frank McGreevy
from Newcastle Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
56.07 1457.81
26 Brid Coady Weekes & Laura Campbell
from Windsor LT in Northern Ireland
55.47 1442.14
27 Neill Cauwood & Michael McFaul
from Causeway Coast BC in Northern Ireland
55.36 1439.44
28 Anne Davey & Michael McClelland
from Newcastle Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
55.35 1439.06
29 Shirley Sherwood & Moyna Tyson
from Newcastle Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
55.05 1431.25
30 Bill Perceval-Price & Kate Spencer
from Killyleagh Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
54.88 1426.79
31 Gerard Mulholland & Paddy Hamill
from Port-A-Bann in Northern Ireland
54.78 1424.38
32 Barbara Armstrong & Yvonne Banks
from Portadown Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
54.52 1417.60
33 Joe McCoy & Kathleen Donnelly
from Newcastle Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
53.61 1393.75
34 Therese McKearney & GIB Robot
from Port-A-Bann in Northern Ireland
53.12 1381.04
35 Geraldine McIvor & Pat Flowerday
from Portadown Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
52.91 1375.70
36 John O Neill & Rosemary O Neill
from Portadown Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
52.64 1368.70
37 Sally Cheyne & Lesley Agar
from Killyleagh Bridge Club in Northern Ireland
52.47 1364.29
38 Seamus McGrath & Maura McGrath
from Dromore in Northern Ireland
52.41 1362.74
39 Rhoda Archer & Eileen Coleman
from Causeway Coast BC in Northern Ireland
52.30 1359.86
40 John Baker & Joyce Hughes
from Dromore in Northern Ireland
52.27 1358.96